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Cognitive decline is a sub discipline of Alzheimer's research and so benefits from a vast amount of clinical research which covers almost every known facet of the mind.  The approach employed here will be based on a refinement of the well known "Bredesen Protocol".   

The Bredesen Protocol is the only treatment which has reversed cognitive decline safely and consistently in clinical trials.   This approach posits Cognitive decline as a multi-factorial systems problem and targets each system with a separate treatment in combination. Many of these treatments involve simple and diet lifestyle adjustments while others involve readily available drugs and treatments.   This protocol is complex and extremely hard for those experiencing dementia to adhere to,  but is ideally suited for a younger age group aiming to address the problem at an early stage.  

One of the aims of this project will be to refine and simplify the protocol for a younger age group hosted via Patientslikeme where the biological targets will be further downstream.  Another will be to make it easier for patients to understand this complex neuroscience within the SENS 7 pillar framework for ageing.

  1. cell loss or atrophy (without replacement)
  2. oncogenic nuclear mutations and epimutations
  3. cell senescence (Death-resistant cells)
  4. mitochondrial mutations
  5. Intracellular junk or junk inside cells (lysosomal aggregates)
  6. extracellular junk or junk outside cells (extracellular aggregates)
  7. random extracellular cross-linking.

Advantages of the Zero Mind Approach

  • Systems approach refinement with regular systems map updates
  • Younger age group with simpler multivariate combination targets
  • Increased flexibility and open collaboration via Patientslikeme


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